Sunday, 6 May 2012

Day 21 | Countries

Back from Lake District but then had a "brief" period of neglect with my Greek (see the highest peak we reached in pic above).  Here I am picking it up again with Countries this time.  You'd think this would be simple on the face of it since they're nouns.  However, these words change based on context and gender etc.  Britain, for example, as a country is called Βρετανία which sounds like Bretaneeah.  A British male is called Βρετανοσ, a British woman is called Βρετανιδα.  There are also different words for describing a "thing" as of a country origin.  For example, a British show would be described in Greek as βρετανικό Σαλόνι (Bretanikoh) whereas in English British is British in every context.  Below is a table of some useful countries with the third column in orange showing first the country in Greek and then in brackets how you would describe a male/female person in terms of nationality.  The male generally ends in ος (-os) and the female in either η (ee) or δια (theea).

England (english) Αγγλία (άγγλος/ιδα)agleeah

Scotland (scottish) Σκωτία (σκωτσέζος/α)scotteeah

Wales (welsh)Ουαλία (ουαλός/η)Ooaleeah

Northern Ireland
(northern irish)
Βόρεια Ιρλανδία
(Βόρειο Ιρλανδός/η)
Boreeah Irlantheeah

Ireland (irish)Ιρλανδία (ιρλανδός/η)Irlantheeah

Europe (european)          Ευρώπη (Ευρωπαίος/α)         Evropee       

Greece (greek)Ελλάδα (έλληνας/ιδα)Ellahthah

Cyprus (cypriot)Κύπρος (κύπριοσ/α)Kypros

France (french)Γαλλία (γάλλοσ/ιδα)Ghalleeah

Germany (german)Γερμανία (γερμανός/ιδα)Jermaneeah

Italy (italian)Ιταλία (ιταλός/ιδα)Italeeah

Spain (spanish)Ισπανία (ισπανόσ/ιδα)Ispaneeah

Turkey (turkish)Τουρκία (τούρκος/αλα)Toourkeeah

India (indian)Ινδία (ινδιάνος/α)Intheeah

China (chinese)Κίνα (κινέζος/α)Keenah

If you're like me and not a big fan of nationalistic divergences and all what it stands for, you might find these more useful:

world is κόσμος (kosmos)
earth is γη (yee)
solar system is ηλιακό σύστημα (eeliakoh seesteema)
universe is σύμπαν (seempan)

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1 comment:

Brenda said...

Great pic, Andy. I would not like to be that high up!!