Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day 18 | 5 Senses

To be honest, I'm still struggling with the verbs even after all this time.  Because of that I made a point of the five senses since there aren't many actions that are more important than taste, touch, see, hear and smell.  Remember that these are prone to change based on who and what you are talking about in context.

See δείτε theeteh
Hear ακούω akoo-oh
Touch αγγίζετε agheezeteh
Taste γεύση ghevsee
Smell μυρωδιά meerotheeah

Here are some sentances to demonstrate.

can you see it?
μπορείς να το δείτε;borees na to theeteh
can you hear it? μπορείς να το ακούσετε; borees na to akoosehteh
can you touch it?    μπορείς να το αγγίξετε; borees na to agheezehteh
can you taste it? μπορείς να το δοκιμάσετε; borees na to thokemasehteh
can you smell it? μπορείς να μυρίζει; borees na meereezee

You'll be forgiven for some confusion in the above translations.  "Can" for whatever reason comes in two letters (μποτείς να) and the "it" (το) comes before the verb.  More distintinctly though is how "taste" changes (γεύση, δοκιμάσετε etc).  This is a very difficult verb to apply in sentances so if anyone can help with some examples that would be very helpful!  It seems that one is a noun and the other a verb.  Here's some more sentances to tease out some questions...

it looks good
φαίνεται καλόfehnehteh kahloh
it sounds good         ακούγεται καλό akoogehteh kaloh
it feels good αισθάνεται καλό      ehsthanehteh kaloh
it tastes good δοκιμάζει καλό thokemazeh kaloh
it smells good μυρίζει καλό meereezee kaloh

Important to remember here is that there seems to be a lot of different words for what seems to be on the surface a single word.  To look for example can have the following applied: βλεπω, κοιταζω, δειτε (if anyone can explain the differences that would help me and no doubt everyone else!). 

Finally, this is what someone else has done on the internet to explain how look can change based on conjugation, which I'm unashamedly recreating below for your entertainment(!) as its pretty neat:
εγώ βλέπω
εσύ βλέπεις
αuτός βλένει
αύτη βλένει
αυτό βλένει

εμείς βλέπουμε
εσείς βλέπετε
αυτοί βλέπουν
αυτές βλέπουν
αυτά βλέπουν

Really need a lot of help with this stuff, so please drop me a comment if you can explain some of the gaps/mistakes.

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Brenda said...

βλέπω = I see
κοιτάζω = I look(at)
δείτε = the imperative form of βλέπω

Also, maybe it's just a typo, but the 3rd singular of βλέπω is βλέπει, not βλένει.

Brenda said...

Also, the verb for "taste" is "γεύομαι".
"Δοκιμάζω" means "try" or "test"

Unknown said...

Thanks as ever Brenda. One day I might go through all my previous posts and clean up my misdemeanors with a fine typo-comb.