Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day 14 | Food

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am off to Rome tomorrow morning for work and not returning until the next weekend so expect a gap!  Inbetween packing and preparing for meetings I decided to concentrate on a staple of Greek culture, which is food.  Last time I looked at how you can ask for something but that's pretty pointless if you don't know what you want.   
Water νερο Nero
Alcohol          αλκοόλ alkool
Potato πατάτα patatah
Chicken κοτόπουλο      kotopoolah
Beef βοδινό votheenoh
Goat κατσίκα katsika
Tea tsái Chay
Juice χυμός Xheemos
Fruit φρούτο Frootoh
Milk γάλα ghala
Rice ρύζι reezee

I think quantity is also important when ordering or buying food, so for me I was certain to learn big or small, which for Greek is quite intuitive: μεγάλος (big) μικρό (small).  These are quite generic food types so next post (which will have to be after Rome) I will look at the Greek specific foods (like Souvlaki and Keftedes).  With the list above you will have to apply the article to them (a or the) which will alter based upon the gender.  If you can remember the rule based on gender, look at Day 6 in my posts.  The good news however is that the majority are neutral and so when ordering anything from above you put, for example:
Θέλω το κοτόπουλο
I want the chicken

The only caveats are Potato and Goat (f) and Juice (m), so instead of το just replace with η and ο respectively.  απολαύσετε! (enjoy)

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Anonymous said...

Remember that adjectives conjugate (is that the right English word?) in the same case, gender and number as the noun. In the Θέλω... sentence the food of your choice is in accusative case so: Θέλω το μεγάλο χυμό. Θέλω τη μεγάλη κατσίκα. Θέλω το μεγάλο κοτόπουλο. Personally I would use ένα/ μηα instead of το/ τη when ordering, though. You want "a juice" not "the juice" in English too, don't you?

Unknown said...

Thanks for this. Conjugating is definitely something that learners have to get sorted early on. This is what big looks like as an adjective applied to different genders:

μεγάλος (big) n
μεγάλη γάτα (big cat) f
μεγάλο χυμός (big juice) m